送信者: "Jan-Willem Mantel"
日時 : 2004年12月23日 22:22
宛先 : "info@yamaki-noen.co.jp"
件名 : Info NZ Crop 2005

Dear Sirs,

Please find attached pictures of the actual growing conditions of the crop 2.005 .
The growth is about 10 days behind normal years because of very unusual cold
and rainy weatherconditions for the last month.
All over New Zealand the temperatures seems to be much cooler as normal this year.
For the coming week better weather is expected.

trusting to be of service to you, we do remain,
De Jong lelies Holland BV
Marcel Kroezen / Jan Willem Mantel

020 Marco Polo 22-12-2004

021 Siberia 22-12-2004

022 Medusa 22-12-2004

023 Sorbonne 22-12-2004

024 Simplon 22-12-2004

025 Casa Blanca 22-12-2004-1

028 Marco Polo scales 22-12-2004

029 Le Reve 22-12-2004-1

032 Acapulco 22-12-2004

033 Tiber 22-12-2004-1