送信者: Jan de Wit en Zonen BV
日時 : 2007年10月5日 22:37
宛先 : Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.
件名 : Lily field inspection


Enkhuizen, October 5, 2007

Dear Customer,

Thanks for your usual cooperation.

We are glad to send you some pictures of the lily fields in the provinces Overijssel and Limburg,
which we took last week.

On September 26, we have made an inspection to check the growing conditions of the lily fields.
In general the climate in the early part of this year was warm and the growing of many agricultural
products was early, including tulips, fruit, etc. Now we can also see an early growth and maturing
of the lily fields. This is much earlier than last year. The spring weather in March, April and May
was very warm. The climate in Holland in summer and autumn is much cooler this year than in 2006.
Now we have a normal average Dutch summer and autumn. The bulb growing seems o.k. The fields are
starting to change the colour into yellow / brown already, even some Orientals like for example Acapulco.

We have made pictures of both of the 2 years grown fields and the normal fields, mostly the main
varieties but also some new varieties like Lake Carey, Marlon, Montezuma, Mabel, etc. The pictures
are also shown on our website www.jandewitenzonen.com.

We would like to invite you to contact us if you have any questions and of course, your enquiries
are most welcome. The market for Orientals is very slow at this moment for most varieties/sizes.
There are only a few exceptions like some very new exclusively grown varieties.

Having pleasure to be at your service and looking forward to hearing from you, we beg to remain with
the best regards.

Yours sincerely,
Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.

Jan de Wit

[DSC09574 Casablanca 2yr.jpg]
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[DSC09575 Acapulco 2yr.jpg]
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[DSC09576 Marco Polo 2yr.jpg]
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[DSC09578 Conca d'Or 2 yr.jpg]
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[DSC09579 Conca d'Or 2yr - bulbs.jpg]
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[DSC09580 Conca d'Or 2yr - sprout.jpg]
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[DSC09588 Marco Polo.jpg]
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[DSC09589 Mable.jpg]
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[DSC09590 Marlon.jpg]
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[DSC09591 Montezuma.jpg]
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[DSC09593 Lake Carey.jpg]
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[DSC09594 Sorbonne.jpg]
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[DSC09597 Fangio,Dazzle,Menorca.jpg]
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[DSC09598 Menorca - bulbs.jpg]
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[DSC09600 Courier.jpg]
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[DSC09604 Conca d'Or Limburg.jpg]
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[DSC09608 Yelloween Limburg.jpg]
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[DSC09609 Casablanca Limburg.jpg]
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[DSC09610 Acapulco Limburg.jpg]
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[DSC09611 Acapulco Limburg - bulbs.jpg]
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