送信者: Dirk Jan Haakman
日時 : 2005年4月4日 15:49
宛先 : undisclosed-recipients:
件名 : Tulip pictures (The new Turbo Tulips) Haakman

Herewith we send you pictures from the New varieties in the Turbo tulips list 2006.

If you have questions please let us know.

Thank you.

Best regards,
T.M. Haakman
D-J Haakman.

[Aafke 3ban flora 2004 .JPG]
Aafke 3ban flora 2004 .JPG
[Friendship 2004_0330Image0004.JPG]
Friendship 2004_0330Image0004.JPG
[Fullhouse 2005_0125Image0018.JPG]
Fullhouse 2005_0125Image0018.JPG
[Fullhouse 2005_0125Image0019.JPG]
Fullhouse 2005_0125Image0019.JPG
[Gabrielle groep.jpg]
Gabrielle groep.jpg
[Hadewich 20 1 2004 8.JPG]
Hadewich 20 1 2004 8.JPG
[Jan Seignette 25536 ibc.jpg]
Jan Seignette 25536 ibc.jpg
[Jumbo Pink 27 12 05.JPG]
Jumbo Pink 27 12 05.JPG
[Jumbo Pink. 27 12 05.JPG]
Jumbo Pink. 27 12 05.JPG
[Kung Fu.jpg]
Kung Fu.jpg
[Largo IBC page 86  .jpg]
Largo IBC page 86 .jpg

We have tested this variety this year.

It is now flowering (Beginning of January.)

This tulip is a DH type.

It is a good Red/Orange colour and the length is also good.

For forcing 5°C it will be a good tulip.

[Lalibella 2006_0103Image0004.JPG]
Lalibella 2006_0103Image0004.JPG
[Lalibella 2006_0103Image0006.JPG]
Lalibella 2006_0103Image0006.JPG
[Lalibella 2006_0103Image0007.JPG]
Lalibella 2006_0103Image0007.JPG
[Lalibella 2006_0103Image0013.JPG]
Lalibella 2006_0103Image0013.JPG