送信者: Frans Onings - Onings B.V.
日時 : 2007年6月22日 18:29
宛先 : Yamaki Noen Co. Ltd
件名 : FW: Foto's nieuw zeeland verwerking

Dear Mr. Moriyama,

Herewith we send you some pictures, which we have got from Mr. Marco van Uden of Bakker New Zealand.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon again, we are

With kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Frans Onings

P.F. Onings BV
ABC Westand 661
2685 ZH Poeldijk
T +31 (0)174 282230
F +31 (0)174 248351
E info@onings.com
I www.onings.com

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