Planted hyacinths for cut purpose.
cooling after planting
at 9 degree C for 13 to
14 weeks.
This forcers use pillow on top of the
hyacinths after planting to give 
enough presure on the bulbs to keep
the bulbs down and the roots into the
Advise is to put direct after planting 
sand on top off app. 5 cm, that bulbs 
are completly covered than water
that soil so that soil is getting heavy
on top of the bulbs.
This is done to give backpressure on 
the roots and keep the bulbs in the
Cut hyacinths growing on peatmoss in wooden boxes (1m x 1,20m)
Floor heating in the greenhouse
This is cutting stage of the hyacinths
When you are pulling out the hyacinths from the box always store them 
UPRIGHT otherwise they bent to the light and you are unable to
make a good bunch of flowers.
The way how the debulb the hyacinth and make fase life longer by keeping the 
bootom of the bulbs (party) on the stem.
Debulb system / machine.
Bunching of the hyacinths