送信者: Evert van Zanten
日時 : 2017年11月15日 21:55
宛先 : Evert van Zanten
件名 : Pictures from New zeeland harvest 2018 Bakker
Goodmorning ,
Hereby some pictures of Bakker crop in New Zealand,1 year crop
After a wet winter the crop is developping well.
We started de-budding this week and that is a bit earlier than average.
At this moment it is calm and quit wetter with a normal spring temperature.
So we are happy wit the crop till this far!
Best regards,
Marco and Adin
Bakker New Zealand
1yr Conca d'Or.jpg | 1yr La Mancha.jpg | 1yr M.Polo.jpg | 1yr Marlon.jpg | 1yr P.Ocean.jpg |
1yr Siberia.jpg | 1yr Signum.jpg | 1yr Sorbonne.jpg | 1yr Tarrango.jpg | 1yr Zambesi.jpg |
More pictures of our New Zealand crop. 2years field
Best regards,
Marco and Adin
2yr Conca d'Or.jpg | 2yr Le Reve.jpg | 2yr M.Polo.jpg | 2yr Marlon.jpg | 2yr Rialto.jpg |
2yr Robina.jpg | 2yr Santander.jpg | 2yr Sheila.jpg | 2yr Siberia.jpg | 2yr Sorbonne.jpg |