送信者: John Balvert
日時 : 2014年12月11日 19:01
宛先 : info@yamaki-noen.co.jp
件名 : Pictures Bakker NZ
Dear all,
We are very pleased to send you the first pictures of crop 2015 in Bakker Bulbs NZ.
Also see the remarks below from Adin the grower of Bakker Bulbs.
I hope to inform you well so far and keep you updated during the season.
If you have doubts or questions please let me know.
Met vriendelijke groet / with best regards,
John Balvert
cell: +316 5149 0067
PF Onings BV
Goodmorning Frans,Evert and John
Hereby some pictures from the 1 year crop in New zealand.
It has been a cold and unsettled spring in New zealand till this far.
We are satisfied about the development of the crop.
The colour can be more intensive but will come as soon as the average temperature comes up.
Root development and bud development is like other years.
We will keep you informed.
Regards Marco and Adin
Bakker bulbs Ltd