送信者: Info@jandewitenzonen.com
日時 : 2015年4月7日 18:20
宛先 : Info@jandewitenzonen.com
件名 : Tulip flower show

Dear Madam, Sir,

Thanks for your usual cooperation.

As we informed you in our e-mail of February 5th, we took part in the tulip flower show at the agricultural research centre “Proeftuin Zwaagdijk”, from February 19th until February 22nd, 2015.

We are happy to say that the show was very successful again with many beautiful bulb flowers, especially tulips, on a surface of 2,000 m2. More than 1,500 visitors from the entire flower bulb sector came to the show. The exhibition included a forcing show with the newest tulip varieties, a company fair, a trade fair, and a large bulb flower show.

We are glad to send you some photos of the show attached. You can see more photos at the following link:


You can also see photos and a short movie on the website of the Proeftuin Zwaagdijk, at the link: www.vaktentoonstelling.nl/fotos.

We hope that you will enjoy the photos. If you have any questions, inquiries, etc. please do not hesitate to contact us, as it is always our pleasure to be at your service.

Best regards,
Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.

Jan de Wit
